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Canterbury Regional Landfill Joint Committee Agenda

Monday 14 July 2008 at 9.30am in the No 3 Committee Room, Civic Offices

Committee: Councillor Sally Buck (Christchurch City Council) (Chairman)
Councillor Robbie Brine (Waimakariri District Council)
Mayor Garry Jackson (Hurunui District Council)
Councillor Lindsay Philps (Selwyn District Council)
Councillor Bob Shearing (Christchurch City Council)
Councillor Bev Tasker (Ashburton District Council)
Councillor Mike Wall (Christchurch City Council)
Committee Adviser: Tony McKendry, Telephone:  941 8536, Fax:  941 8696

A copy of the Full Agenda without Appendices is available.

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part C   1 Apologies
Part C   2 Minutes of Meeting – 14 April 2008
Part C   3 Appointment of Director – Transwaste Canterbury Ltd (TCL)
Part C   4 Transport Costs for Waste to Kate Valley 2007/08


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